Zoho Campaigns allows you to choose from our gallery of templates. Whether you wish to design a news letter for your bible study group or want to send a Seasons Greetings card (e-mail) to your neighbors, we have a template design for you. Zoho Campaigns further allows you to add either your picture or company logo as well, to give your content a unique identity that reflects YOUR image. Furthermore we also offer you options to either upload a zip file with your own unique design and code or attach a URL to your newsletter.
Zoho Campaign's easy to use interface assists you in managing your contact list, building it on a continuous basis and also to consolidate them in one database, and it is all online so you don't have to invest in any infrastructure to save your hard work. Additionally our customizable sorting fields save your time and effort.
Zoho Campaigns gets you real time, valuable and applicable results of your e-mail campaign. We identify every email opened, clicks and bounce backs. Additionally we provide you a consolidated report, At a glance**, choose between a pie chart or bar graph to compare your opens% and clicks% simultaneously.
Zoho Campaigns gets you real time, valuable and applicable results of your e-mail campaign. We identify every email opened, clicks and bounce backs. Additionally we provide you a consolidated report, At a glance**, choose between a pie chart or bar graph to compare your opens% and clicks% simultaneously.
Our customizable opt-in feature allows you to design a subscription form, which you can easily embed at the site of your choice. Additionally we also include an unsubscribe option in all outgoing mail as a convenience to recipients.